I was a middle
school and high school cheerleader for what seemed like forever. Rah-Rah and all that. I loved it and I didn’t want it
to end. So I got all warm and fuzzy recently when a loving and insightful
friend told me she thinks I’m still side-line cheering today. Huh? Yeah. The
cheerleader in you just reveals itself in more quiet, personal and unassuming
ways now. Hmmm. This gave me pause. She might be right. I guess my Debby Barnes Rah-Rah’s! are
still being heard. Cheering and/or encouraging people is in my bones. Being a
cheerleader never really did end!
I mention this because I continually read about how
essential it is for me to start blogging in order to enhance my online presence
and drive more ‘traffic’ to my website for better SEO (Search Engine
Optimisation) results. (I’m a small business, after all. I need all the
positive attention I can get. And this will hopefully lead to more great connections and ultimately more VoiceOver jobs,
right?) But every time I was faced with the blog reality, I honestly bristled.
Yuk. It’s not me, I’d say. I just can’t. I won’t. I shouldn’t. I mustn’t. It
feels all too narcissistic.(This is the
kind of unrelenting head and heart stuff that plagued me day after day while I
considered the blog possibility.) I mean, I can read, consider, comment and
big-up those who are writing their particular online journals, if you will. But
writing one myself or doing something similar is not for me. No.
First of all, in the beginning, I didn’t really get the
‘blog’ thing. Wait – you mean certain people actually write down what they’re
thinking and/or have experienced in their lives or businesses then post it online in order to
let everyone else read it and comment about it? And it can be beneficial for
them, their businesses and their readers, not to mention their SEO? And it encourages a healthy
exchange of thoughts and ideas from people all over the world? Right. You mean
it’s an educational connecting point, of sorts; one that others can enjoy,
identify with, learn from, or apply after reading their blog? Wow. In other
words, it can be a win-win all ‘round? Yes.
Well, at the risk of jumping-into a game that’s already in
play; I’m jumping-in. First of all, because I love life’s win-wins. And second
of all, because all games need players, all players need cheerleaders and all
stadiums need spotlights. So from now on I’m going to be cheering others on with
my particular Rah-Rah! posts. I’m going to shine my spotlight on those informational
accounts that in my humble opinion are fresh, relevant, considerate and highly
beneficial for every one’s highest good inside and outside the Voice-Over ‘stadium’.‘The Voice You Want To Get To Know’ wants to get to know
YOU and wants others to too.
So with my Debby Barnes Voice-Over Rah-Rah! I’ll be cheering for
you and what you’re sharing. And I’ll be holding virtual pom-poms while I do