Sunday, 25 January 2015

Your Own BFF

You've no doubt heard the acronym BFF (Best Friends Forever), right?

That devoted friend-of-friends who really gets you and what you’re all about.

The one who bigs-you-up and cheers you forward, regardless of.

They’re essential.

But have you ever thought about being your own BFF as well?

I have.

And I’ve decided that I should be kinder, more encouraging , more patient, 
more forgiving - and more considerate to myself.

(And this should certainly help with loving my neighbor better too.) 
ie: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Mark 12:31  NIV

So regardless of where we’ve been, where we are, or where we’re going…

I hope we remember to be our own best friend forever.

 Queen: "Your My Best Friend"

What kind of BFF are you to yourself?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Purpose Built Platforms

There’s the lectern at university.

There’s the stage at the show.

There’s the podium at the conference.

And there’s the pulpit at church (... just to name a few).

They’re all purpose-built to tell a story; are the social platforms of the day.

What platform/s do you use to tell your story?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Shine Baby, Shine!

Have you ever chickened-out of acting-on a personal or professional revelation?

Have you ever had a bright idea and let it sit in the dark?

Have you ever dismissed your epiphany?

It’s. Not. Too. Late.

Turn it on.
All the way.
Be brilliant.
Go for it!

And don't just flicker. Be a bright light and shine baby, shine!

How are you going to "get your shine on" this week?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Growing Down In 2015

Growing down in 2015?


Deep down.

Far enough into the ‘soil of life’ –

…to absorb all the nutrients we require to thrive.

We need to be firmly-rooted + well-grounded.

Because the deeper the roots – the stronger the tree.

It’s what I like to call radicle (root) living.

And it's the 2015 challenge!

What keeps your 'roots' strong?

I value you and your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.