Sunday, 26 April 2015

Expectations Expectations!

Personal + professional expectations can be a drain.

-         What we expect of ourselves.

-         What others expect of us.

-         What we expect of others.

-         What we think others expect of us.

-          What others think we expect of them.

Bound-up by our expectations and others’ expectations is no way to live.

It can be unreasonable, exhausting, fruitless, stifling + counter-productive.

But ongoing personal and professional development is a worthy goal.

And setting realistic expectations that lead to growth and fulfillment –

 …is the only way to roll!

The new mantra:

What unrealistic expectations do you set for yourself and others?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Falling Down Failing Up!

Falling down hurts.

It’s painful and humiliating.

It feels clumsy, thoughtless, unnecessary and embarrassing.

It also feels like a fail.

We’re down. We’re low. And we’ve “failed”.

Enter: CHOICE.

We can CHOOSE to stay there or get up.

We can’t choose when we fall-down, but we can choose when we fail-up!

And last, but not least - one of my favourite quotes.

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."
Samuel Beckett 

What's your fall-down/ fail-up story?  

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Meaningful Monotony

Like most, when I think about monotony -

I think about the tedious moments that make-up each day.

One’s routine, custom, pattern or habit.

The stuff we consider –

…unexciting, uneventful, unvaried and uninteresting.

 The daily grind.

But if we flip it, we realize -

 ...positive patterns provide predictability that allow us comfort, control and security.

And if we practice our monotony in a way that’s purpose driven –

(* serving with kindness, gratitude and honourable intent)

...then it becomes really meaningful.

And every day matters more than the one before.

After all, we've only got one wonderfully monotonous but meaningful life to live!

...and remember:

Do you consider your monotony meaningful?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

The Ultimate Audio-Visual Aid

When you look in the mirror,

…do you see yourself as a valuable “Audio-Visual Aid”?

One that communicates meaning,

…of every kind?

Day-in and day-out, we choose how and what we’re going to communicate.

With a word, a smile, or a virtual 'touch', each one of us is -

 The Ultimate Audio Visual Aid.

Online and offline.

Michael Jackson’s ‘Man In The Mirror’

What kind of an Audio-Visual Aid Are You?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.