Sunday, 31 May 2015

Bend It Like...

…a palm tree!

Did you know a palm tree’s life flourishes under attack?


You can cut it, kick it, or unleash tropical winds on it to no avail.

Actually, the stronger the winds – the further it bends.

It can’t be blown down or blown away.

 And it bounces right back to its upright position.


I wonder if we should visualize ourselves as palm trees when we’re under attack.
(…attack of any kind.)

And know our root system will sustain us

…regardless of how we’re being bent!

How have you felt challenged (...or attacked) lately?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Invisible Nudges

Do you get invisible nudges?

Those quiet, unseen reminders that motivate you to act on something.

I actually describe each one of mine as an ‘inner spirit pull’; that whispers a needed hint about getting proactive with:

- what needs attention.

I think all our personal and professional 'pokes and prods’ help us stay on track.

They’re a necessary elbow in the ribs when we need it most!

What are some of your invisible nudges?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Ordinary To Extraordinary

It’s just sand – right?

It’s ordinary. And ordinary never seems like much.

But it can be.

Basic always begins without the frills.

But when you look at it from a different perspective –

…things change.

The ordinary quickly becomes the extraordinary -

…all because you decided to see something simple in a whole new light.

So who ever you are and what ever you do –

…take your every day ordinary and make it extraordinary!

(Right in the center of Oxford, I watched some random guy sculpt a pile of sand into a lazy dog. This was another example of ordinary to extraordinary!)

What extraordinary things will you do with your ordinary days?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Foodies Are Forever!

Are youfoodie?

I’m not, but I have great respect for them.

They all possess an ‘abbondanza’ mentality that I’m very drawn to.

I think I’m what you’d call a “foodie wannabe”.

I don’t buy much at the foodie fairs, except olives . 

But I usually go and act like all the other foodies.

They’re so continental.

They have refined tastes, but they’re not snobs.

They celebrate life too.

Foodies are forever!

(Rah-Rah! Foodies.)

What's your favorite foodie food? 

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Remind Yourself To...

If your age ever becomes an issue for people – remember, it’s their issue not yours.

Then remind yourself  that you can be as fresh as you choose.

( ‘They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh…’ Psalms 92:14 NIV)

And if your body isn’t cooperating – keep your mind invigorated.

Stoke the fire in your heart + soul.

Re-define what you need to re-define in order to be fresh ‘n fruitful .

 Then go out and live the length and width of the life you've imagined.

It's the life you were meant to live!

Are you living the kind of life you're compelled to live?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.