Sunday, 28 June 2015

Written & Unwritten

Every one has a story.

It's unique to them.

It's written about who they were, who they are -

...and eventually, who they'll become.

So, what's your precious story?

Where has your story led you so far?

Where is your story leading you today?

Where could your story lead you tomorrow?

Is it writing itself - or are you deliberately writing how you want your story to read?

Because you and your experiences are your story.

And you are the only book others can find your chapters of truth in -

...even the ones that are still unwritten.

'Unwritten'   Natasha Bedingfield

What kind of stories inspire you?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

The Real Deal

Ah yes – “To be rather than to seem to be".

It gives one pause - doesn't it?

So – are we who we say we are or seem to be?

It’s an honest question and one that each of us needs to address.

In other words: are we for real? 

The real deal.

Do we have our Esse Quam Videri on 24/7?

Online and offline?

Being true to who we are is not only a gift we give ourselves;

…it’s a gift we give to those we serve every day.

Esse quam videri is a Latin phrase meaning "To be, rather than to seem (to be)". It has been used as a motto by a number of different groups.      Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia

Fun Fact: 
It is unusual that, until the act of 1893, the state of North Carolina had no motto since its declaration of independence. (It was one of the few states that did not have a motto, and the only one of the original thirteen without one.) It is now The Great Seal of North Carolina.

Are you being your true self, regardless of?

PS: Happy Father's Day to all the real deal doting Dad's every where!

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Terrifically Tenacious!

Are we dogged?

Are we decidedly fixed?

Are we determined to persevere?

Are we staunch and steadfast in our resolve?

Are we purposefully pursuing our mission?

Remembering the epiphany we first experienced about our calling –

...will help us remain single-minded, bulldog spirited and terrifically tenacious

…as we forge ahead!

What in particular helps you remain terrifically tenacious?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

All Stirred Up!

Hey reader.  Yeah you.

You rock.

You get a thumbs-up.

(…AND some applause,  just because.)

The fact of the matter is –

We can stir things up or we can stir one another up.

One is suspect, the other is life enhancing.

So let’s continually choose to promote each other.

We’re doing life, together -

...and I want you to be all stirred up!

How will you stir someone up today or this week?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

...and don't be shy; stop by.