Sunday, 27 September 2015

Consciously Creative

It wasn't that long ago when most people worked outside the home.

Now many of us are running small businesses from our home.

 We're the solopreneurs of today!

But we're homebodies as well.

We love our daily routines.

We're quite used to the way we do things.

And truth be told - we're comforted by this. 

But we know it's easy to become too accustomed to our habits.

So we realise how important it is to break our regime when needs be.


So we can stretch our creative selves!

Because according to Bob Gass' sobering reminder:

“If you insist on doing things the way they’ve always been done, you’ll end-up being out-thought, out-sold, out-produced, and finally out of business.” 


So let’s kick-off our slippers and get consciously creative when ever we can! 

What do you plan on creating today, this week or this year?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

And don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Ban The "Box"!

It’s so like us to "box" people.

It’s part of our human condition, I guess.

We make assumptions about every one we lay eyes on, read about or listen to.

Whether it’s people’s race, gender, age, background, nationality, politics or faith –

…we "box" them.

We decide they’re a certain way and we close the "box".

I confess I’m guilty of this.

And I’m always working to fix it.


...relatives, friends, colleagues or strangers - 

I’ve decided to ban the "box".

Maybe we all need to ban the "box".

Walk A Mile In My Shoes: Elvis Presley (1970)

So, what have you decided to ban?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

And don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

A More Excellent Version

Have you ever thought about “upgrading” yourself professionally?

I have.

(My reflective and fulfilling summer - brought this about.)

So I've decided to try and upgrade to an even better version of my professional self.

Yep, I’m actually serious about activating a more excellent me.

A me that’s more:

…communicative, confident, credible, consistent, clever and courageous.

(And this will be a mission, for sure!)

What about you?

Are you interested in upgrading + activating an even more excellent you?

Then let's set about branding ourselves with excellence!

Let's get what we need to get, do what we need to do;


...a more excellent version of  ourselves!

What does the professional you need to “upgrade”?

I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

And don't be shy, stop by.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Taking Time For Granted

It’s already now.

I mean…

It was just then.

Then was SO recent.

And now is SO sudden.

And tomorrow feels like next week already.

Time appears to be on a deliberate mission.

Time is out to prove itself constant, regardless of.

And it continually reveals how cavalier we are about it.

It’s already September for goodness sake!

What or who do you need to make time for?


I value you + your views, so let's communicate!

And don't be shy, stop by.