Sunday, 4 May 2014

Pastime Play

Ah yes, in the day to day…to play or not to play? This is the question. And I was ever so pleased that Jerry Reed used an old English proverb to get us thinking about it. His, ‘All Work and No Play…makes Jack (Jerry) a dull boy’ post was an important reminder that “…we all need diversions to keep life interesting and to keep us fresh.” So I stand in full agreement with Jerry that playing is a must do. Yep, pastime play is vital. And this reminder deserves a Debby Barnes Voice-Over Rah-Rah!

Admit it. We all tend to get a bit crazed about attending to task and ticking our various boxes. (Or is this just me?) And for those of us who are driven, playing is not a priority. We allow ourselves to get professionally caught-up in what we’re pressed to complete. And regardless of what it is, we are task oriented people that like to accomplish our tasks so we can move on to the next one. The problem is, some of us can easily tumble from one task into the other without taking a healthy break; like Jerry almost did.

Our warm-toned and talented colleague had been involved in some exciting long-form narration work when he realized he'd been holed-up inside his home studio for too long a stretch. This was enough to remind him of how precious life outside his studio was. And he needed to get out and play in it. After all, he couldn’t chance becoming the poster boy for an old English proverb, could he? Dull? Never let it be!

So he took his trusty camera outside to zero-in on everything from a Snowy Owl to a Sunrise at Silver Lake. And his healthy diversion proved to be a real pick-me-up. He has an eye for beauty, a real gift for capturing it and he also shares it with others. What a bonus. What a win-win!

We all needed your message, Jerry, because pastime playing is necessary and good. Rah-Rah! I'm off to ride my bike. 

What kind of pastime play do you allow yourself to indulge in?

Jerry's blog: All Work and No Play.

And check-out his website: Jerry Reed

I value you + what you have to share, so comment below!

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