When I was growing-up - my mother had a real bee in her bonnet about posture.
And if she caught me walking with even a hint of a slump - I'd get a
She'd say: "Deborah - throw those shoulders back and stick your
chest out."
I'd respond: "I would, if I had a chest to stick out."
She'd shoot back: "Then pretend you do!"
(Ha! Pretend I do? This should be interesting. But I did it,
"Yes, Mother!", was my dutiful reply.
"Yes, Mother!", was my dutiful reply.
So to this day I'm mindful of how important my posture is.
Not just my physical stance - but my particular approach and attitude
with people.
As an example, the way I choose to conduct myself as a small business
I position myself in a non-threatening, positive and helpful way.
(...the friendly, "I could be your solution" stance.)
This is the kind of proper posture I'm all about now.
Surely mom would be proud.

* And even though it's particular to 'Food Safety Auditing' the link below is a useful read! *
Bonus: A
photo guide for proper posture!
How do you
posture yourself successfully when doing business?
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