Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Ignore The Roar

I don’t know about you, but I think rejection is a beast. It’s a wild animal that’s content to roam and roar loudly. It tries to sound-off in my life and I sense many of you have probably heard the same intimidating roar as well. It’s very unpleasant, to say the least. But, I’ve had to learn how to tolerate and tame this unruly animal. You see, if I want to maintain my sanity and be the best I can be personally and professionally, I need to ignore the roar. After all, my well-being is at stake and I can either wilt from disappointment or walk forward with confidence, in spite of what I'm hearing.

The key to my every day success as a Voice-Over Talent depends on how I choose to respond to rejection. Anyone who works day-in and day-out auditioning and marketing their voice and their Voice-Over business understands full-well that they can’t allow themselves to be overcome with this kind of negativity. We're all warned not to internalise it, but it's hard, because when you feel roared at you take it personally! I have and sometimes still do. Rejection is a big part of the industry we work in, so we have to decide how to handle it when it happens. The fact is, if we start taking rejection to heart, life becomes terribly unhealthy. It overshadows our successes as well. And even though we could equate not being cast, to being cast-aside; it's better to believe the quote: 'Not rejected, just not selected.' (And if I can't seem to ignore the roar, this is what I'm going to roar back at 'the beast' from now on.)

Anyway, before I ever contemplated blogging I had bookmarked an article I read on rejection: 'Why You Can't Take Rejection Personally As An Actor' by the uber talented Rebecca Forstadt. I'm glad I marked this particular post because now I can Rah-Rah! and re-share it. I relish people's stories and she had written one that reminded me (...yet again) how subjective our industry is. (She actually starts her blog with this story.) Even though she has a wealth of experience (30+ years) she still faces rejection and reminds us all that we have to "roll with the punches." After all, this is the nature of the beast, right?!
So this week's Debby Barnes Voice-Over Rah-Rah! is happy to thank Rebecca Forstadt for writing her blog instead of shedding a tear. 

Read it here:







Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The Consummate Giver

I confess I’ve been excited about praising Paul Strikwerda and his recent Nethervoice blog: “Giving My Work Away”. It’s not only refreshing, it’s an inspiring, feel-good read as well. So this week my Debby Barnes Voice-Over Rah-Rah! is cheering Paul. I always relish what he has to say and how he says it. He has a way with people and a way with words. And I’m convinced that I’m one of many who eagerly wait for his rich reflections every Thursday.

Though his specialised skill is that of a highly successful International Voice-Over Talent (…he’s known as the Ultimate European Voice) he’s starting to realise that there’s a lot of life to be lived outside his studio walls. And there’s a lot to be gained personally and professionally from stepping-out and getting connected. He writes: “It’s nice to have customers across the Atlantic, but your best clients might be fellow-members of your local business association.” Agreed.
When he writes proudly about his beloved Easton, Pennsylvania town and its long, continuously running outdoor Farmer’s Market (circa 1752), it’s because he’s keen to remind us that many times “…it’s easy to ignore what’s going on right under our nose.” He goes on to outline the importance of interacting with one’s own community.  What he shares about staying close to home, being rooted, making connections, interacting, watching, learning and volunteering makes a lot of sense. It was no surprise to read that a couple times a week he’s actually been “…cultivating his announcer-voice as emcee at his local Farmers’ Market.” And though he could be making a whole lot more money with his voice inside his studio, what he’s producing outside of it is priceless in so many ways; “…a most enriching experience.”, he writes. What a contribution. What a win-win. "Farmer's Market vendors are fellow-entrepreneurs with an interesting business model. They don't compete against one another. Instead, they grow together." Yes, more quotable wisdom here from our popular friend. Because, isn't growing together what it's all about?!
Paul, you and your Nethervoice are Dutch-loved and much-loved. So in your words: stay vocal and local! It suits you and those you serve. Rah-Rah!

Read it here:




Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Meaningful Tokens

We need reminders like Scott Burns gives us. He recently wrote an Edge Studio Voice-Over Education Blog, called: ‘An Essential for Every VO Talent Tool Kit’. And it wasn’t about any of the studio essentials that normally come to mind. He believes in order to better succeed in our VO business, part of our professional VO kit should be a stack of Thank-You cards. Yes! This was right up my alley, I thought. This is a Debby Barnes Rah-Rah! for sure.

Even at the risk of sounding old-fashioned, he goes on to say that he’s “…found thank-you cards to be a very effective means of marketing.” I agree, because though it appears to be more novel than ever to do this kind of thing in the technological world we live-in today, I also think it’s a necessary part of a successful business plan. Expressing gratitude always is. Building virtual relationships can be quite impersonal, so a thank-you card is an especially nice way to offer one’s personal appreciation. For me, it’s like saying: I value you and what you do and I hope you remember how grateful I am.
I love the example Scott gives about a talented student who surprised him with a simple thank-you card and how he responded to her sincere expression of gratitude. Oh, that all reactions would produce this kind of a response!

I’m a big thank-you card kinda girl myself, so THANK YOU, Scott and Rah-Rah!
Read it here:


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Cued-Up + LinkedIn

Debby Barnes Voice-Over Rah-Rah! is cheering Bobbin Beam. Not only do I love her name and her Voice-Over work, I really appreciate the light she shines on the benefits of LinkedIn. Her article ‘LinkedIn Lessons’ was a much needed read for me. She has some profitable information to share about this particular social media facility.

Bobbin believes that “The LinkedIn Platform is here to stay…” and she reminds us what it can actually do for us professionally. And what she reveals about Search and Discovery is fascinating and enlightening.  She also goes on to give us critical profile tips that we should get cued-up about and apply. When she admits that ‘...she’s felt she didn’t really understand or know how to use LinkedIn and leverage it as a part of her overall social media presence’, I could relate. I realised I really didn’t either. Though I’m fully aware that in today’s online marketplace it’s an important marketplace tool; I confess I haven’t been using that tool with any precision. LinkedIn is supposed to be utilised to raise people’s awareness of who we are and what our particular skill-set is. So, I’d better take this on board and learn more about LinkedIn’s essentials.

Bobbin Beam get's a spirited Debby Barnes Voice-Over Rah-Rah!