Fill my bowl, please. I’m a hungry hound. When it comes to
relevant and helpful information, I want to be fed! (...especially if I can identify with it and apply it to
my small business.) I’m sure I’m not alone. Most Solopreneurs crave sound
advice. That’s why blogs are so popular. We can all learn from each other by 'feeding' each other in this way. So
when a trusted colleague shared a link about ‘The 5 Worst Pieces of Advice for
Small Business Owners’ by Nellie Akalp, I was eager to read it and clicked
with great interest. I could also feel a Debby
Barnes Voice-Over Rah-Rah! coming on. This could be the best worst advice I've read in a long time. I was right.
She outlines five bits of 'advice' she could have done
without over the years she’s been in business. FYI: She's the CEO &
Co-Founder of CorpNet (…an online legal document filing service, where she
helps entrepreneurs.) She’s also an empowering female entrepreneur who loves
helping small businesses succeed . Okay, I thought. I need this read. I always appreciate someone's experience, hindsight and hard-won advice; and any meaty bones they're willing to throw me!
Well, by the time I hit tip
three I actually felt like she was chatting with me personally and reminding me
of what I needed to hear again. I SO heartily agreed with all five of her tips that
I had to sit back a minute and take a breath. She really hits the ‘nail on the head’ on all five
counts. In reference to the myth that, “There’s no room for you in the market.” I appreciated ‘hearing’ her address this and what she goes on to say: “…the key to business success doesn’t always hinge on finding a
completely empty field; rather, it’s how you define your company and its place
in the market.” Well said. She also cracked me up when I read her response to those who’d
told her that starting small businesses today is so much easier because of all
the free marketing available through social media platforms. Responding with "a more apt comparison" she quips: “…social
media is free like a media is far from free once you factor in
the blood, sweat and tears it demands.” Aint it the truth. Rah-Rah! Nellie.
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