I have no problem letting everyone know I’m a huge Bob Gass fan. (He pens the UCB – United Christian Broadcasters daily
devotional: ‘Word For Today’.) I’ve
been a devotional devotee for a long time. I read his soul-profitable words
every morning. It starts my day like a sunrise. The truths he shares have a positive effect on me. I'm continually inspired by what I learn. And when I apply what I learn, it leads to personal and professional growth, plain and simple. In my life, this is a winning formula. It encourages me to be more of who I’m called to be.
Well, in late
September I sat down to read Bob's: ‘Keep
Growing’ series. And three meaningful messages later, I felt like I was
given some bone-meal fertilizer. I also felt compelled to
give him an official Debby Barnes
Voice-Over Rah-Rah!
You see, I
consider every year of my life a growing season. Figuratively speaking, I’m
always eager to ‘bloom where I’m planted’, so I can never get enough of the
garden mulch that will improve me and my 'garden'. Bob Gass is one of those gracious ‘gardeners’ who freely offers rich 'mulch'!
The first truth
Bob starts with is: “When you finish growing, you’re finished.” Too true. He also mentions what Robert Browning wrote, ‘Why stay on earth except to
grow?’ Indeed. He continues into his second message by reminding us that
we should, ‘Never stop learning.’
and ‘Never stop developing our talents.’ This really speaks to me as a growing Voice-Over Talent. In relation to developing our skills, he brings up a famous quote from one of the world’s best
violinists. When asked as an old man why he still practiced six to eight hours
every day, the violinist replied, ‘Because I think I’m getting better.’ Love it.
At the end of the day, practice makes perfect. Applying what we learn yields favourable results. So, my math will continue to look like this: Learning + Applying = Growing. And though it involves being stretched, challenged and a bit uncomfortable at times, this will ultimately produce the kind of results we need to see in order to accomplish the kind of things we need to do.
And lastly, Bob says...'Don't just grow in knowledge, grow in character.’ and ‘Always stay fresh.’ Rah-Rah! to that, brother. And ever let it be.
And lastly, Bob says...'Don't just grow in knowledge, grow in character.’ and ‘Always stay fresh.’ Rah-Rah! to that, brother. And ever let it be.
Read more here through the UCB site.
Note: Scroll to the bottom of the page for: Previous Word For Today.
Click: (Full Archive) - September 27, 28, 29
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